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Re: Topband: N5J Live Stream?

Subject: Re: Topband: N5J Live Stream?
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 13:50:00 -0700
List-post: <>
On 8/10/2024 12:00 PM, GEORGE WALLNER wrote:
Using a single #31 2" core, how many turns of RG-6 do you think will give decent choking effect? (I know, it depends on the GND and other loading factors.)
TKS for all the ferrite cores! Will let you know if we need more!

Understand about difficulty of grounding. 30-40 yrs ago, Rob Sherwood published on using galvanized "hardware cloth" ("wire mesh") as a sub for radials; how about a bunch of radials, as many as you can do, to capacity couple the gen to ground? I'm thinking of shunt C at the gen, with whatever inductance you can add to the power cable.

RG6 is too stiff to make effective and repeatable chokes, largely because turns must be too big, so too-high Q; about 6 years ago, I published recommendations for RX chokes using a single pair from CAT5 wound on small toroids.

Depending on your available resources, I'd try 15-20 turns on a 2.4-in o.d. #31, tightly wound.

The same link includes recommendations for transformers, where DC is not needed. Again, using whatever cores you have.

73, Jim K9YC

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