I'm getting serious about running another BOG antenna, my first was
destroyed by
a bulldozer after the hurricane.
As long as I'm putting in the labor, I want to build the best I can. I
have searched
and don't find anything really new, just match and terminate properly,
keep it on the ground,
not covered by debris, and make good grounds. W8JI has the ferrite
loading idea, for regular BOGs,
which I did use about 9 binocular cores (thru one hole) on my previous BOG.
Are there any improvements to BOG antennas floating around?
My main use will be AM BCB, but some 160M and 80M, but any optimization
would be for AM band use.
Here is a comparison of my 250ft BOG to my 150ftlong wire, 30ft high.
Note: my B0G feed line was twisted speaker wire. That's a subject for a
different thread.
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