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Topband: rigs for top band

To: Top Band group <>
Subject: Topband: rigs for top band
From: steve d <>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 09:58:27 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <>
Hi All, I figured I would ask the group what they thought of a few rigs. 
  First: do any of you have experience with the FT-2000? How about the FT-2000 
with the Mu-tune units?
  Next: the Ten Tec Orion II. I have heard this is the  king of low  band 
operating. However, a friend of mine had either the I or II (cant  remember 
now) and sent it back because it was too complicated. 
  Any thoughts from those that have used either, or both and can compare?  The 
FT-2000 seems like the most economical route at about $2500, but  once you 
factor in the Mu-tune units youre right up to about what the  Orion costs out 
of the box.
  Steve, KC8QVO 
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