Last night on 160 I was listening to K1FK in Fort Kent, Maine CQing on 18025.
After a period of time listening to him I began to hear very very weak cw cqs
under him that seemed to be Cqing at the same speed and cadence as his CQs.
When he stopped the weak signals continued for approximately 15 seconds more
each time and exactly matching the CQs of K1FK. I listened to this same thing
over a period of 15 minutes and at least 4 CQ sequences from K1FK. Again the
very weak CQs continued each time for approximately 15 seconds beyond K1FK end
of transmission. When Dave stopped CQing for long periods of time to listen,
the very very weak signal also stopped and for the same duration of time.
I mentioned this briefly on the Lowband Chat but no-one else picked up on it
so I let it go as maybe having too much coffee!!
However this morning on the (Yahoo) Elecraft K3 Reflector I noted that Paul
W9AC mentioned hearing LDE's on 40 meters last night for a time.
About 1/2 hour after the LDE experience we were hit with Aurora up here in
Maine. Maybe I heard LD "E's" !! Did anyone else notice anything
73 Larry K1UO
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK