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Re: Topband: DXE - NCC1

Subject: Re: Topband: DXE - NCC1
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 22:05:15 -0800
List-post: <>
On 1/29/2025 3:22 PM, Mike Fischer via Topband wrote:
I have inherited a DXE-NCC1 and would be grateful for suggestions on rx 
antennas you would consider connecting to it. (I do not own any of the DXE rx 
antennas / arrays etc)
No suggestions for antennas, but there's a detailed discussion of what 
it does and measurements of one that I own. I'm primarily using it to 
phase a pair of loops designed for 160M spaced 5/8 wavelength, so about 
350 ft. Scaling that to 40M, that's 82 ft. What the phasing does is move 
it's receive beamwidth around Europe.

The NCC-1 can also be used as a "Noise Canceller," and it is a very good one. But like any noise cancellation, it can only cancel one noise at a time, and works best with a well-located sense antenna that's very close to the noise source.
73, Jim K9YC

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