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Re: Topband: Contest conditions

Subject: Re: Topband: Contest conditions
From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 20:20:32 +0000
List-post: <">>
> One problem I frequently encountered was DX stations sending CW way 
> too
> fast. When a station is just out of the noise with fast QSB, as 
> many
> frequently are, they're really hard to copy if they're going 45 
> wpm,
> especially if they have a short, unusual call, like T5W. 
> 73,
> Jim W8ZR

Indeed, way too fast for conditions at the receiving end.  Then they
wonder why their rates are down and why they're "not in the log" because
their call sign was miscopied.

Charlie, N0TT

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