the Wireman<> carries
many types of antenna wire that are unusual. Part #532 looks like it might do
the job. It is a coated, #18 AWG copper clad steel "Silky" wire that sells for
I ran some simulations of your antenna and the highest coaxial cable shield
current I could obtain caused radiation that is 15 dB down from the dipole. I
don't see any reason to add a balun to your antenna.
The stainless hardware sounds like a viable solution for your 80 meter band
changing. Another solution might be to use SMB connectors to make the
connection. They snap together, are gold plated, and the shield connection is
what you want to connect your wire to. Another solution is to use high voltage
vacuum relays. Then you can switch from the shack. If you are interested I will
give you part numbers of suitable parts available at Digikey or Newark
Electronics. I can run a simulation to see what the potential difference is
that must be disconnected.
Dave WX7G
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