On 28 aug 2010, at 07.49, Art K6XT wrote:
> Some of us which includes me will be running a SDR and CW Skimmer on the
> low bands this season. First lowband season for mine. The SDR is
> connected to a lousy low band ant but at least its connected and hears
> stuff. Any interested party can log into reversebeacon.net to see what
> my SDR hears and relatively how well.
I have my SDR running on 160 starting tonight if anyone likes to see if signals
reach into SM. It uses a Clifton Labs active RX antenna in rural/quiet
environment. You can follow the spots on reversebeacon.net, quick link to my
spots here: http://tinyurl.com/2wootzl. It might be on 10 meters in daylight,
but on Topband in local nighttime.
I have no TX antenna up yet, working out the details for the 2010/2011 vertical
now. See you all when its up in late September.
73 de Björn,
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK