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Topband: "The ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program"

To: Topband reflector <>
Subject: Topband: "The ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program"
From: Robert Urban <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 15:30:54 -0500
List-post: <>
*The Madison DX Club's August 13, 2024 meeting*

*“The ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program"*

*Join the conversation with Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, on how the ARRL
became responsible for monitoring the amateur radio bands and how the
monitor program works. Riley is a former attorney with the FCC Enforcement

Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Informal chat starts at 6:00 PM CDT

Business Meeting at 6:30 PM CDT,

Program at 7:00 PM CDT.

UTC Time: Informal chat starts at 2300z August 13, Business Meeting at
2330z August 13, Program at 0000z August 14.

*Visitors and guests are always welcome at MDXC meetings!*

*Join the Zoom meeting:*

Hope to see you all on Zoom, Tuesday evening.

*Kevin Shea, N9JKP*

*President, Madison DX Club*

* <>*

*Web site: Madison DX Club*

Meeting ID: 856 155 4523

Passcode: 198101

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