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Re: Topband: Computer noise

To: "Rodman, David" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Computer noise
From: Mark Schoonover <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 09:29:56 -0800
List-post: <>
I've had the same problem which is now 100% resolved. I did a video on what
I did to clean things up. It wasn't one simple trick it took some effort.

73! Mark KA6WKE


On Tue, Nov 26, 2019, 03:49 Rodman, David <> wrote:

> A few ideas might be helpful here.  I was at the station over the weekend
> and found a significant amount of noise coming from one of two computers in
> the station.  Significant noise S5 at 1820.  One computer runs the cluster
> and 2m connection.  That was clean.  The other handles most of the remote
> chores and has about 15 USB serial devices attached.  Everything was off,
> except a battery operated transceiver attached to the receive antenna feed,
> the modem for the cable and my router.  One can definitely see that
> operating the computer, closing windows or plugging in USB devices causes
> the modulation on the signal to change, this isolating the source to the
> computer alone and possible connections to peripherals (they were all
> turned off by the way).  I did have few chokes available but attaching them
> to the USB wires out of the computer to their various devices made no
> improvement.  I could get more specific but need to leave for my office
> now.  Any ideas might be helpful and appreciat
>  ed.
> ---
> David J Rodman MD
> Assistant Clinical Professor
> Department of Ophthalmology
> SUNY/Buffalo
> Office 716-857-8654
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