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Topband: Very sad news...W4OWJ SK

To: topband <>
Subject: Topband: Very sad news...W4OWJ SK
From: Bill Tippett <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 12:20:51 -0400
List-post: <">>
>From The Daily DX:

W4OWJ (ex W3DPA), John “Jack” S. Matthews, “passed away in his sleep
on Monday night”, reports N8PR, Pete Rimmel.  Jack was 96.  He was a
member of the South Florida DX Association and had 362 confirmed in
the ARRL Mixed DXCC standings.  Jack was a member of the A1 Club and
had 242 countries confirmed on 160 meters.
Remember the PreStew coming on October 20th. for more 

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