Hi Dave,
my opinions filled beween lines.
> My goal is to work DX on 160 meters, that is, having the capability to work
> at least to the westcoast from Pennsylvania and Europe when the band is
> open. I am asking the lists opinion on on my three options:
Ø 1. Full-Wave vertical loop - what should be the configuration?
Probably the easiest (because of the single support) is a vertical triangle,
feeded at a corner or a little bit up along the loop side. With such a feed,
the height from ground of the horizontal wire can be relatively small, feasible.
Ø 2. 1/2 wave dipole
Assuming you meant horizontal dipole, it?s a good antenna if the height from
ground is half wave or at least exceeds 3/8WL.
> 3. Inverted L
Assuming you can arrange a good ground plane, a quarter wave vertical is a
simple but excellent transmitting antenna. The horizontal section should work
ad a loading device, its contribution to radiation must be neglegible since an
horizontal antenna near ground suffers by losses and only radiates power
straight up, whose fact You?re not interested in. Moreover, a long inverted L
will shift away from ground the current point and the radials have to be longer
to be effective.
If no separate RX system is available, the loop should give the best result
among those antennas, for receiving.
Mauri I4JMY
Topband mailing list