Greetings Men, Women and Others of the 160M Inclination,
The Boring Amateur Radio Club is very pleased to remind you that The Stew
Perry TopBand DX Challenge is nearly upon us. The starting gong sounds at 1500Z
Dec. 30 with this year's race ending as usual 24 hours later. The Rules
Committee note that you may operate for up to a total of 14 hours during this
period with the Technical Committee suggesting using those operating hours
while it is dark outside. The Technical Commitee has several reasons for this
including D level absorption, more stations to contact, electron gyrofrequency
maladaptation and improving your backswing.
The Boring Amateur Radio Club, through the very generous backing of
certain 160M Stalwarts, offers up plaques to commemorate certain
accomplishments. Please browse on over to to view what is available which
may very well spur your efforts to even greater heights. Sponsoring a plaque
is easy. Just read the instructions on the above webpage. If you are unable to
do that, then please notify your keepers so that they may locate you and return
you to your facility.
The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge does not come with propagation
predictions. There are only vague associations between the physics of the Sun
and Earth and 160M propagation. It is not like those easy other HF bands. If
someone is offering such predictions then they are either looking for easy
money by making things up, have stopped taking their important medications or
their tinfoil hat has been on too tightly for too long. The point being only
by participating in The Stew will you really know what the conditions will be
The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge emphasizes operating skill. Therefor
it is a CW (Morse Code) only contest. The Boring Amateur Radio Club has turned
away significant offers to include lesser modes of communication, but we
believe the true language of 160M is CW so things will remain the same.
Celebrate the end of the contesting year by enjoying The Stew, sleep in
the next day then celebrate the end of the year that night. This is a recipe
to finish up the year in grand style. This may take a bit of family finessing
and timing but an astute 160M Operator will be able to do this without
excessive bloodshed.
Thank you for perusing this notice. The Boring Amateur Radio Club wishes
you and your family very happy Holidays and an even better New Year!
73 and I remain,
Lew w7ew
Boring Amateur Radio Club Epistler
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