Hello Lew (and Tree)
It is good to see your dainty fingers back on the keyboard, spruiking the Stew
Perry TBDC as only you can.
Tree does his best but he lacks your raconteur spirit. It is fitting he has
handed back the medicine wagon and the Dr Good hat to you for this year’s TBDC
finale advertisement.
I am going to Ellington’s Jazz Club in Perth prior to the start of proceedings
and some moderately hard liquor is likely to be consumed. As a result, I may
not be in full control of my Morse key.
However, the spirit (mine) is likely to be willing and the push-pull spark
transmitter will be put into action once again. Hopefully someone can decipher
its output.
Season’s greetings from the Land Down Under!
Vy 73
Steve, VK6VZ
Greetings Ringmasters, Trapeze Artists, Elephant Handlers, Strongmen, Clowns
and respected Others of the 160M Realm,
The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge is afoot. It commences 1500Z
Dec. 30, 2023 and ends 24 hours later. This contest is all Morse Code (CW) and
uses distance between stations in determining the score. It is a lot of fun.
If your addiction to FT8/FT4 is getting thin or if you are exploring new things
to do in radio operating, then come try CW contesting here. The operators on
"The Gentlemens' Band" generally will slow down to whatever speed you have to
help you decode the signals yourself, which you are quite capable of doing.
Rules, plaques, plaque sponsoring, unique scoring, prior results and other
very interesting information all live at https://kkn.net/stew/
If you're reading this, then you're also perfectly capable of
driving your browser to the address above and understanding more about The Stew
Perry Top Band Distance Challenge.
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Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector