I turned on my 160 meter radio around 0100 UT on the 21st, and was
greeted by a huge level of noise on 1830. It wasn't too long before I
realized that I was listening to an AM BC station. Audio was distorted,
but I could copy the ads and they all referred to Buffalo and St.
Catherines, Canada. They finally identified as CKTB AM 610, so I was
hearing the third harmonic and it was over S9 on my west and NW
beverages! It also was cutting in and out, no doubt from the high winds
near Toronto.
I tuned it in on my BC band aircraft receiver and the main signal on
610 kHz was loud, but being interfered with by other stations on that
frequency. It was not a bodacious signal by any means, so I do not
suspect a problem in my back yard. There are plenty of louder stations
that I did not hear. Being a third harmonic, the signal was wide at 1830
and quite distorted. It covered 20 to 30 kHz of bandwidth. I e mailed
the station but have heard nothing back. I tried calling but the offices
were closed when I called last night. Did anyone else hear this?
Dave K1WHS
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