On 3/7/2025 2:21 PM, David Raymond wrote:
for those of you who may be running QRP or have modest stations with
less then optimum antenna systems, please remember to give your call
*multiple* times if the other station is having trouble getting your call
Yes! And this certainly isn't limited to QRP -- we can be tough copy for
a LOT of reasons. There's a whole set of skills needed for when our
signal is weak or there's QRN. One that I teach when I'm mentoring a new
contester is to never repeat anything that the other station has copied,
once he's got your call, never send anything but the exchange. As
neighbor K6XX teaches in his talks, "I know MY call, don't waste time
sending it!"
Another very important one on Topband (and 80M) is to understand and use
selective fading (the slow fading up and down due to multiple arrivals
of the same signal having taken different paths, which is most
pronounced when the two paths are of very nearly equal strength, and
thus cancel more deeply).
73, Jim K(YC
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