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Re: Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak

To: Guy Olinger K2AV <>, Larry <>
Subject: Re: Topband: No 160m Sunrise Peak
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2018 20:52:59 -0500
List-post: <>
I was out in the Bahamas for the CQWW160 contest from C6AGU. Both before and after the contest I got up to work JA-s at sunrise. There was definite peak in signals. The peaks started just at sunrise (06:47 local time) and lasted about 15 minutes. By 07:15 there was nothing on the band. It was similar during the contest. On Monday morning I was testing a new 80 meter antenna. The peak was very prominent on this band. I was working JA-s from about 06:15 and they were extremely weak (I had a good RX antenna and plenty of pre-amp gain). Starting just after sunrise, around 07:00 signals came up to S9 withing minutes. I worked about 30 stations and most of them were loud. The peak ended very quickly: I was barely able to complete the last QSO. By 07:20 there was absolutely nothing.

On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 15:31:14 -0500
 Guy Olinger K2AV <> wrote:
I actually wasn't hearing band peaks either, until I got to thinking about
that, and went digging in the RBN stats. The peaks are there. So what gives?

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