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Re: [TowerTalk] Removing a K7NV Bracket that doesn't have the Spreader B

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Removing a K7NV Bracket that doesn't have the Spreader Bolt
From: <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2022 22:17:21 -0500
List-post: <>
Some of the K7NV clamps appear to be just electroplated.  I would paint over
them with zinc enriched paint or whatever you use on the towers to protect
the zinc.

You should be able to spread the clamp with a couple of screw drivers or a
pry bar or two. You could make a wedge and tap it in to spread the clamp.
The clamp should not be difficult to remove unless the corrosion to the mast
is holding it together.

John KK9A

Richard Smith n6kt wrote:

We have two of the K7NV 2" Mast Clamps installed at our station at PJ4K.
There has been quite a bit of corrosion built up on the Clamp, and we would
like to remove and replace them. The version that we have installed does not
have the Spreader Bolt. I would be interested in suggestions for removing
the clamps.  The mast is 2" galvanized Chrome Moly. They are installed on
OR-2800s at a height of 130'.
Thanks and 73,  Rich, N6KT


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