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Re: [TowerTalk] FS: Heavy Duty Climbing Belt

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] FS: Heavy Duty Climbing Belt
From: "K8RI on Tower talk" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 18:17:25 -0400
List-post: <>

> In a message dated 6/6/2006 9:03:02 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
>>>  Blake Bowers wrote:
>>> Just as a note, that belt is NOT OSHA approved  for
>>> climbing towers.  I realize you are not stating that  it
>>> is, but the web link that you have states that it  is.
>>   I didn't notice that!  I bought this years  ago, has
> OSHA changed the standards?

At the risk of incurring the wrath of many posters, I much prefer the old 
Klien free floating belt to what is now recomended.  I have several reasons 
for that. One was having worked in a hostile environment with chlorides and 
silanes. One exposure could render the synthetic belts and harneses unsafe 
and they do not like to be left out in ultraviolet light. Of course if they 
are only out when in use the last really isn't a problem. Just don't throw 
them in the back of the truck and forget them. OTOH I'd not want to do that 
with my current belt either.
>        Oh, yes. Whenever you're  4-8' (I forgot the actual height) off the
> ground you need a fall arrest harness  with the D-ring between the 
> shoulder
> blades so that if you fall, you're caught  by the fall arrest lanyard in a
> non-lethal position.
>        Also leather equipment is  illegal now also.
Given the choice I'd take that Klien free floating leather any day.  It's 
comfortable and I don't have to worry about circulation in my legs on a long 
climb like I do with the new harnesses.  I'd expect them to come out with 
another new design to take care of the "sitting in the harness" problem

>        While OSHA rules only  require compliance by workers (people being
> paid for performing the tasks), it's  a pretty good idea to be as safe as 
> you
> can.
I can only speak for myself and this is not a recomendation to others, not 
should it be taken as such, but I much prefer the old belt with a seperate 
fall arresting harness and want nothing to do with any harness that will let 
me sit down in place.

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> Cheers,
> Steve    K7LXC
> Professional tower services for hams
> Cell: 206-890-4188
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