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Re: [TowerTalk] Cautionary tale about cable waterproofing

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cautionary tale about cable waterproofing
From: <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:23:55 -0400
List-post: <>
I use THHN for the motor wires and a multi-conductor for the sensor.  I try
to seal the cable ends but I do not make a big effort to seal them.  I have
never noticed water in any of my control cables but even if there was, I
don't see how water inside the PVC cable jacket would effect it since the
conductors are insulated.  If water got inside the connector at the rotator
it would likely have an effect, this is common with Yaesu rotators, their
boot does not make it water tight.  I have had very few actual rotator
problems but I have had several issues in the last few years with failed
lightning protectors.  Pulse type seem especially sensitive to leakage.

John KK9A

Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
I've been having problems with my rotator, currently stuck due west.  
Today, in order to verify connection from the controller in the shack, I 
cut open the jacket of the good quality 6 x #18 cable at the tower base 
- imagine my surprise when water flowed out of the cut, even though all 
the cable above that point is vertical.

73, Pete N4ZR


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