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Re: [TowerTalk] Antenna separation

To: "'KC0QNB'" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Antenna separation
From: "Daron Wilson" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 19:25:46 -0700
List-post: <">>
Not quite sure what your problem is, but I suspect transmitting on 2M blows
away the scanner.  If you are anticipating listening to the scanner in the
VHF band, I suspect you are going to need somewhere around 50+ feet of
vertical separation or a couple hundred feet of horizontal separation.  Even
then, the scanner has no front end to speak of, so you'll like interfere
with your listening when transmitting on 2 meters.  One can filter the
scanner antenna and notch out the 2m band if you wish, but that's a bit of

Vertical separation is much more efficient that horizontal separation,
directly below the other antenna is better due to the pattern of the typical
omni antenna.

Good luck

> I searched the web and couldn't find  exactly what I needed, I have a
> scanner antenna, mounted 4 feet below my 2m antenna and off center by
> about 2 feet it is clear that is not adequate separation does anyone
> here have a link to a website that I can utilize to solve my problem?
> 73 Ryan


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