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[TowerTalk] Ground Connection to a Well Casing

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Ground Connection to a Well Casing
From: "Doug Rehman" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 10:52:04 -0500
List-post: <>
I'm doing some work on my ground system and the last connection I need to
make is to the well casing/well pump. I've got 1.5" copper strap run to it
and need to make the connection.

The well casing has been in around 30 years. My first thought was to connect
it in the same manner as to a tower leg: stainless steel spacer and a
stainless compression clamp. I used a wire brush on a drill to try to clean
the attachment area, but the surface remained non-conductive. (Touching the
DVM leads to the cleaned area didn't show conductivity.)

I figure my options are to use an angle grinder to more aggressively "clean"
the well casing or to weld a bolt onto the casing.




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