Hi Rich,
I’ve been using a 4O3A Rotor Genius for over a year now. It controls a 3 phase
motor which turns a 31m rotating tower. The magnetic compass is attached to
the front (cca. 1.5m from tower) of a 7 el 10m Yagi at cca. 13m. It works
great, although I do plan to put a limit-switch in place this year, to prevent
it from going beyond the physical limits of my cable loom.
The post-sales support is also good. The guys there added a feature to the
remote software removing the manual rotation buttons: CW / CCW, which by
default allow you to rotate in to and out of a no-go zone. I deemed this to be
a little too risky given that my station is shared by a growing number of
So far, so good 😊!
73 9a1tt
Richard Riley
tango komunikacije d.o.o.
Strojarska cesta 22
10000 Zagreb Croatia
+385(0)1 5494 301
VAT#: HR73112507864
Ulaganje u budućnost
Europska unija
Investing in your future
European union
Projekt Podizanje konkurentnosti putem uvođenja inovativnih IKT rješenja u
poslovne procese tvrtke tango komunikacije sufinanciran je uz pomoć Europske
unije iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
A recent project Improving tango's competitiveness by introducing innovative
ICT solutions in our business processes, was co-financed by the European Union
from the regional development fund.
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