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Re: [TowerTalk] Knot tying

To: "'John Hudson'" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Knot tying
From: "Richard Elizondo" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 23:14:18 -0600
List-post: <">>
Just my 2 cents, take it to heart or with a grain of salt. 

With rope I would use, Clove hitch, half hitch, clove hitch, half hitch.
Never dropped or slipped a mast, feed-line, antenna, or split-pipe attached
in this fashion. Just make sure everything is even and snug before flying
the steel. 

Another very useful item to keep in the rigging supply box is a 3' long, 1"
wide single ply endless choker sling. Nylon single ply slings can be wrapped
multiple times and since they are flat, create a better grip on smooth
surfaces. With a 3' long sling, you can wrap multiple times and create a
very firm choke.

I was onsite with another tower crew a few months ago who were installing
some very heavy booms. One of the ground guys had a very interesting device
made from a truckers 2" ratchet strap that would ratchet around the pipe but
still had a short tail with a figure eight knot and a carabineer. Only took
him seconds to rig a boom, and only took the guy up top seconds to get it

Just some thoughts,

Richard Elizondo
Senior Consultant
Ionos Communications
361-887-6700 - Office

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of John Hudson
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Knot tying

After 22 years of full time firefighter and learning many different 
knots for different situations, I would use the ole AXE KNOT

Thats the knot you tie real good and have to use an axe to take it off!!!!


Smile it's suppose to be funny


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