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Re: [TowerTalk] high power tuners

To: Jim Jarvis <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] high power tuners
From: david jordan <>
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2003 09:22:06 -0500
List-post: <>
Good Ideas,

Current Baluns don't play nice when used as remote baluns. You really need a nice hefty voltage balun. Fair Radio used to sell a 3kw balun kit for less than $15. I built one using #12 stranded teflon coated silver wire. Used the MFJ259 and a 200ohm load to tune the balun for 160m (had to add several feet of wire to get it down there). The balun carriers the legal limit and runs cool. I've fed a half wave dipole on 160m and extended zepp on 160m with this arrangement. Keeping the coax run to the balun as short as possible makes a big difference in what the tuner has to deal with...the open wire line is 450 ohm.

This is one of the few areas of ham radio where folks can still tinker and play. I'm glad there's no off the shelf solution!


Jim Jarvis wrote:

FWIW, at my MD site, I wanted to have a general purpose utility
antenna. Aesthetics played a part.

Put up an 80m dipole fed with open wire line....perhaps 100' of it.
Bought a Tentec 238B tuner. Nice tuner...second one I've owned.
(much better without the dial cord!)

First time I've tried the 238 with OWL. First time I put power into
it on 40, I saturated the balun, did that smell hot!

Let's see....40m full wave, center fed....2000 ohms, fed about a wavelength away on the OWL...1200 watts... can we say high voltage? The short form is, the 238 is NOT a high power tuner for balanced
wire, under all conditions.

Model the driving point impedances on various frequencies, and you'll
quickly see that the wide range of situations requires extreme caution
in design. Radioworks won't sell their 'remote balun' without a serious caveat, for the same reason.

The short form of this is, you're going to have to model what you want
to do, and make sure you can handle the wide range of complex impedances
you'll see.  When you turn the wick up on that'll find the
weakest link, for sure.



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