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Re: [TowerTalk] ProSistel ring rotators

To: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] ProSistel ring rotators
From: "Jon Zaimes, AA1K via TowerTalk" <>
Reply-to: "Jon Zaimes, AA1K" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2024 13:34:56 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
Hi Steve. 
Son Adam N3TTT and I have installed a bunch of these. Pre-assemble on ground so 
everything is together in two halves, including the motor. Diagram in the 
manual is helpful.
Leave leg brackets slightly loose. Then raise and install on tower. This leaves 
minimal bolting to do on the tower, just putting the U-bolts to the tower legs 
and putting the two halves together. Use a couple of lanyards to loosely hang 
in place while you do the bolting. Loctite recommended on the bolt threads 
holding the ring together.
Toughest part is getting the nuts on the metric bolts that hold the two halves 
together. Hex nut goes in tight space between the moving and fixed part of 
ring. Put a piece of Scotch 33 on the end of a 10mm box wrench to hold the nut 
while you slide it into place.
Use a level before tightening the leg bolts.
Only one climber needed on the tower for the install.
These are nicely machined rotors that work first time, every time. Good value 
for the money.
We encountered a problem on one of these that had been installed by someone 
else. It worked fine for several months but then started binding. We were 
called in to de-bug and observed flat washers had been installed under several 
bolt heads that were not shown in the manual. Removal of the added washers 
cured the problem.


Jon P. Zaimes, AA1K
Tower climber for hire
Felton, Delaware
Cell: 302-632-2353 

Reviews of AA1K tower work on eham website:

Hug your favorite tower every day, and always stay connected to it. 

    On Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 06:50:56 PM EDT, k7lxc--- via TowerTalk 
<> wrote:   

 Howdy, TowerTalkians -
     Has anyone installed one of these? How do they go together? On ground or 
in air installation recommended? Once we get them anyway - hi. Cheers & 
tnx,Steve      K7LXC

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