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[TowerTalk] C31 Jacket Feed Replacement

To: "tower and HF Antenna Construction Topics." <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] C31 Jacket Feed Replacement
From: Richard Thorne <>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 21:02:39 -0500
List-post: <>
The SWR on my F12 C31 (pre JK) went wonky.

I climbed the tower today and immediately saw the issue.  There was a
significant burn mark in the middle of the Jacket Feed (romex house wire).

Its going to be tricky but I'll be able to reach it so I can replace it.

Other than going back with the original feed, has anyone come up with a
better feed method?  JK sure figured it out with aluminum angle.

Maybe 300 window line, but I'm not confident that 18ga wire will handle
1500 watts. The yellow romex uses 12ga solid wire.

Rich - N5ZC


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