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Re: [TowerTalk] Steppir antennas

To: 'towertalk' <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Steppir antennas
From: Alan NV8A <>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 13:43:14 -0500
List-post: <">>
I've had my 3-el. a few years now, but I'm pretty sure that my card was 
not charged until the antenna was ready to ship.


Alan NV8A

On 11/04/08 01:07 pm D. Calder wrote:

> I would love to have one. But I'm one of those that wants the equipment when
> he shells out the $$$. Not wait weeks for the product. I hear they are nice
> though.

> I'd like to pass on my experience with several SteppIR antennas.  Some years
> ago I won one of the original SteppIR dipoles at the NW DX convention.
> After using it for a while I moved on to one of the early three element 20m+
> arrays and a couple of years ago to the monster SteppIR with three elements
> on 40m and 30m and 4 elements on 20m+.
> My initial reaction to the dipole was "this Rube Goldberg can't possibly
> work!"  The monster SteppIR is an order of magnitude more complicated that
> the original SteppIR's and is certainly not for the mechanically challenged
> when it comes to assembly.  My opinion has still not changed, these antennas
> cannot possibly work.
> However, time and experience have cast some doubt on that opinion.  After
> several years and several antennas, I have yet to have a failure.  These
> contraptions  have worked flawlessly for me.  My QTH is a high wind
> environment being on a hilltop in western Oregon but I rarely have much ice
> loading.
> I'm not suggesting anyone buy one of these but since I saw a good of
> conversation on the reflector about these antennas and thought I would add
> my experience for anyone interested.


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