my defense--I really have nothing against the Scouts. In fact, I donated
one of my boats to a local Sea Scout troop. (in good, sea-worthy condition,
with sails and trailer, and NOT as a tax write-off).
By "display art", I meant that the learning, frequently, is toward passing
the Badge requirements, rather than a deeper level of skill. I know you
have seen many that go further, as I have, but the average Scout doesn't
have the exposure you gave those you knew.
Those you helped (as on a 45' sailboat!) and the ones who Spelunk and rock
climb, are the exception, not the general rule. Those GET the experience of
using their learning to a highly skilled level.
I did NOT intend to put the Scouts down, just to give an honest opinion
about a source of training.
At 04:23 AM 12/23/2002 +0000, you wrote:
Zig, well said....apparently some guys have little direct experience with
the Scouts....too bad, they'd be very impressed with the training these
boys receive and the level of skill some attain while in the Boy Scouts!!!
73 /k6sdw
Bill Aycock - W4BSG
Woodville, Alabama
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