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Re: [TowerTalk] Saltwater Ground Connection (Many thanks to all for the

To: TowerTalk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Saltwater Ground Connection (Many thanks to all for the info!)
From: "Joe Giacobello, K2XX" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 14:29:24 -0500
List-post: <">>
I certainly appreciated the large number of informative responses that I got to my query. It looks like the way to go is with four buried or elevated radials and the saltwater takes care of the rest. What I finally wind up doing depends on the constraints imposed by the surrounding homes and pedestrian traffic.

We're renting a house that we've only seen in brochures and Google Earth. There is a long, private, elevated wooden walkway leading from the house down and onto the beach. It's likely that somewhere on that walkway will be the most convenient and safest place to set up the antenna with at least a couple of elevated radials. My guess is that the saltwater reaches under the walkway at least at high tide. We'll have to work out the details when we get there.

Again, many thanks for all your inputs.


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