The forum police have already decided that the thread is closed, so I
doubt very seriously that your prediction is correct.
BTW, you are in violation sir :)
-Steve K8LX
On 2/16/2016 4:57 PM, Chris Wynn via TowerTalk wrote:
Heck, I'm one of those lawyers you mentioned and I wouldn't spend
another second worrying over this! I can guarantee you that we will
still be passing this dang thread around MANY years after you
successfully erect this tower and achieve 5 Band DXCC. It's 30
feet......30 feet! Put the antenna up and work some DX!Chris
On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 11:43 PM, Steve Maki<> wrote:
Oh boy, at the risk of getting all the engineers and lawyers and
would-be's in a dander, I'll suggest this - with the caveats that I
don't really know what kind of tower sections you have other than
your description that it's equivalent to Rohn 25. And I don't know
whether you have an informed inherent feel for how much lateral
stress your tower can handle.
But if I had 30' of *guyed* Rohn 25 sticking out of 1/2 cu. yd of
concrete at a slight angle and for some reason absolutely needed to
make it plumb, I'd do this:
1) I'd rig up a ratchet binder (come-along) or 2 in the appropriate
direction(s) attached to to the top of the bottom section (10' or
15' up) and anchored out to solid attachment point(s).
2) I'd dig out all the way around the foundation.
3) I'd loosen the guy(s) in the direction(s) the tower is leaning.
4) I'd tighten the ratchet binder(s) to plumb the tower.
5) The best back-fill would be additional concrete all around. A
*little* soupy would be best so it under-fills any new gap under the
6) Of course leave the ratchet binders in place and the loosened
guys loosened until the new concrete is well set.
If your existing concrete is something like 2' x 2' x 3' deep, this
should work. If it's a lot bigger or wider, it will be more of a
Note: Personally I wouldn't worry about a little lean, but everyone
has their own priorities.
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