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Re: [TowerTalk] Crimp on Coax connectors

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Crimp on Coax connectors
From: jimlux <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2019 13:26:45 -0700
List-post: <>
On 9/5/19 1:01 PM, Jamie WW3S wrote:
whats the difference between LMR-400 and RG-400 ?

totally different kinds of coax, just the numbers are similar.

RG-400 is a dual shield coax PTFE dielectric with stranded center conductor, about 0.2" in diameter (think RG-58/59 sized) - fairly flexible.
LMR-400 is a 0.4" diameter (that's the numbering, LMR-600 is 0.6", etc.) 
with foam polyethylene dielectric, solid center conductor, aluminum shield.
Aside from being a LOT stiffer, LMR-400 is bigger and lower loss 
(roughly 0.7 dB/100ft for LMR-400, vs 2.2 dB/100ft for RG-400)
Use the RG400 for making chokes and such.

Use the LMR-400 for the run to the antenna.


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