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Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259 - can connectors be recycled?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259 - can connectors be recycled?
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 12:03:01 -0700
List-post: <>
On 7/14/2024 10:38 AM, David Shindler wrote:
The problem is that they are properly and solidly soldered to co-ax.

Has anyone had success at desoldering PL-259 connectors and removing the co-ax.?

Awfully difficult if they have been properly installed. Years ago I contemplated it and gave up without trying.

Assuming they are still attached to cable, not cut off of cable, it might be possible to 1) melt and clear the solder from the center conductor, shaking it out; then 2) heating the shell enough to melt the solder holding it in place and pulling it off the cable using pliers on the center pin while the cable is held by a bench vise. Obviously, this would take a serious iron an a fair amount of luck. :) And it wouldn't work for connectors using a reducer to properly solder the shields of coax like RG58, RG59, RG8X, RG142, RG400.

73, Jim K9YC


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