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Re: [TowerTalk] ProSistel ring rotators

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] ProSistel ring rotators
From: Fred Sanborn via TowerTalk <>
Reply-to: Fred Sanborn <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:31:21 -0500
List-post: <>

   I had one of TIC's older rings - late 90's version.  The position pot went bad with water ingress.   I made a home brewed solution with a AL disk with alternating black stripes and a encoder reader.  That worked until the motor went bad from water ingress.  I now have one of Carl's latest rings, a DXS-24.1.  He originally sent me the wrong motor for it.  It had the wrong number of teeth on the gear.  Then there were other issues too like a bad position sensor.  I'll be calling him again today and see if he can give me a shipping date on his "fix".  Otherwise I'm thinking a RR55 order at some point.

Rich and Dave,

   I was looking at the Rotor Genius a while ago and like that idea except I would have to add wire for its control/power lines. I hate pot sensors!  Now hearing that a RT-21 can be modded for control is very nice.  I have 2 RT-21's here.

   73,   Fred   KG9X


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