It's the Monday after the International DX Convention in Visalia and
wanted to share a couple of things.
Matt at M2 said that they have a whole bunch of "big" prop pitches.
They'll fit inside 45G but are bigger than the ones you normally run across.
They'll turn your house if necessary and come with all the hardware including
mast clamp and control box. They're about $2k which is a pretty good deal for
what you get; namely - a rotator that'll turn *anything* and probably last
longer than you will - hi!
Force 12 had another new antenna. This one is a 7 element 80 thru 10
meters on one boom. I missed getting some specifics but it's called the XR-7
and will cost in the $2k range. Needless to say, it was pretty impressive.
For you guys with one tower, here's a new option. It's a dipole on 40 and 80
but there is a switch box that'll give you phone and cw capabilities on both
Tom, N6BT, of F12 has also introduced a flagpole antenna for those CC&R
crunched homeowners. It works as well as his Z-3 (ZR-3?) shortened vertical
dipole. According to the N0AX and K7LXC HF vertical comparison report, the
Z-3 worked well so this would be an even stealthier radiator.
Steve K7LXC
Professional tower services for industry and amateurs