Hi Guys,
IMHO, most of the mystique surrounding radials is deliberately concocted black
magic propagated by a handful of self-serving gurus desperate to somehow stand
alone above us masses of great unwashed, as beacons of excellence...
Don't be intimidated into believing that your miniscule radial field will serve
only to keep the earthworms below your feet warm. There are several sources
on-line that actually QUANTIFY the net effects of specific types of artificial
grounds, as opposed to simply admonishing , "Put in as many radial wires as you
can (OR ELSE!)."
Even the stalwart ARRL ANTENNA HANDBOOK summarized the effects of using "X"
number of radials "X" wavelength long, compared to the BC industry standard. If
anyone is interested, I'd be more than happy to share that info, off-reflector.
~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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