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Re: [TowerTalk] ProSistel ring rotators

To: Richard Thorne <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] ProSistel ring rotators
From: Dave Hawes <>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 14:57:45 -0400
List-post: <>
A modern (v4) RT-21 can be modified with a simple daughter board to
interface with the 4O3A magnetic direction sensor.  I sent my three RT-21s
back to Jeff for the modification.

The sensor needs to be as far out on the boom as you can get it.  The
influence of the tower affects the accuracy of the sensor.  Since the tower
is not a tube, the sensor sees a slightly different profile as the ring
turns.  The calibration of the sensor to the ring's actual position is done
at North/center of rotation.  By the time the ring turns to close to south
in either direction, the reported bearing can be off by 10-20 degrees.

The 4O3A Rotor Genius allows calibration at up to 8 different points around
the compass, and then interpolates between those points.  This effectively
compensates for the varying influence of the tower as the ring goes through
360 degrees.  (Maybe Jeff could add this functionality at some point.
Hint.  Hint.)

73 - Dave N3RD

On Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 2:32 PM Richard Thorne <> wrote:

> Fred,
> The solution to the direction indicator issue is to use a Rotor Genius
> from 4O3A.  It uses an electronic compass mounted to the aluminum boom
> of the yagi your turning.  All you need at that point is to turn the
> motor on and off so you can turn it CW or CCW.  The Rotor Genius handles
> this nicely.
> I just installed a Rotor Genius to control an Orion and Prop Pitch.  I
> was able to successfully turn both rotors this morning.
> Next weekend I'll climb the towers and install the compass's.  A Rotor
> Genius can handle two rotors.
> There is a nice windows app that controls the rotors with a click of the
> mouse.
> I'm all glass panel these days, no need for a rotor control box or an
> antenna switch box as I use a pair of 4O3A Antenna Genius switchs.
> One of these days I'm going to install a currently horizontal HDX-589
> crank-up.  I'd like to install a ring rotor on top of one of the lowers
> sections for an additional antenna.  I'm paying attention to any posts
> concerning ring rotors.
> Rich - N5ZC
> On 8/25/2024 1:11 PM, Fred KG9X wrote:
> > Jon,
> >
> >      Really appreciate your comments on TT about the RR55.  I have a
> > question about the capability of the RR55.  On the ProSistel page it
> > lists the max weight at 45 kg and max wind area at 1.5 m2.  I have a
> > C31XR JK version antenna on a Rohn 55G at 50'.  It's rated at  110# / 50
> > kg and 18.6 f2 / 1.73 m2.  These numbers are just a bit outside of their
> > ratings.  In your opinion, do you think their ratings might be a bit
> > conservative and I would be OK with this combination?
> >
> >      The reason I'm asking is that I have been dealing with a TIC ring
> > that can't seem to handle this antenna in the wind.  I have been in
> > contact with Carl at TIC for nearly a year now asking for a solution.
> > The motor he uses is too wimpy and the motor and direction indicator
> > gears keep losing contact with the ring making it go out of calibration
> > or give a "no motion" indication on the controller.  He says he has a
> > solution for both issues but nothing has been sent my way.  It's always
> > excuses that he needs a bit more time.  The RR55 looks like a good
> > option.  How responsive is ProSistel to issues and delivery?
> >
> >      TNX es 73,
> >
> >          Fred    KG9X
> >
> >
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