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Re: [TowerTalk] Wired Anemometer for Tower?

To: "Roger \(K8RI\) on TT" <>, "TT TowerTalk" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Wired Anemometer for Tower?
Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 22:37:26 -0500
List-post: <">>
The spacing between towers is 1025 feet as explained in this short video
Some of the other details including the moraines and Indian artifacts that 
determine the placement of towers are also explained.
73 & DX,
Gary - AB9M

-----Original Message----- From: Roger (K8RI) on TT
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Wired Anemometer for Tower?

On 5/2/2014 8:52 PM, GARY HUBER wrote:
I do NOT get a percentage except by the taxes paid to the local school districts and township roads by the wind farm operators. Our local radio club was given a tour of the wind farm by their public relations manager who happened to have at least one wind generator on her own farm. She took us to that generator so that we could see it close up at the base, both inside and out. Each wind generator has its own anemometer as the generator's blades only turn within a fairly narrow wind speed range and with a more or less constant speed. The generator's blades have a prop pitch motor /sensor to maintain the constant speed within the rated wind variation as determined by the anemometer. When the wind speed exceeds the safe rating, the generator is shut down.
Unlike almost all others, ours is a coop, so any one who signed up gets
a % based on the % land acreage of the total in the coop whether you
have a tower on your property or not. I believe it was set at 20,000
acres max.  If you have a tower, it's a fixed, $1500 per quarter plus
the earning %, Likewise access roads are a fixed lease based on area.
So Even with no towers, I receive a % of the sales.  These towers are
much more controlled in distance.  1000 or 1600 feet from home.  I don't
remember tower to tower but IIRC it'd be a max of 6 towers per sq mile.
As the land consists of many farms, I know of no sections with 6 tower
on them. I'd have gladly had one, but there is a power distribution line
right through the center of ours.  Had that power line not been there
it'd have been another $6,000 a year plus access road.  All wiring is
underground and the towers only take a bit over a spot 20' in diameter.
Still quite a few farmers decided not to opt in.  That was a lot of
money for what little land the towers and roads took.  They were very
careful not to disturb more land than necessary and all soil dug up for
the towers was removed. Where possible, access roads took advantage of
fence lines.  It was a good deal all the way around.

Even with no towers and what's left (40 acres) of the old farm I receive
almost as much as renting the farm. Except the renter increased the
payments substantially this year. We only had 60 acres left and I sold
off the 20 sand hill with the buildings.  The first quarter earnings
were enough the Detroit Edison bought half the towers outright.We still
get pad as they are under the original contract.  Three more companies
contracted out so, if yoy combined them it'd be one of the largest in
the country.

The county thought ahead, so it is uniform zoning across the entire
county.  They didn't have to negotiate only one contract.  Only problem
was the state.  They cut the tax revenue in half (through equalized
valuation), but it's still sizable for the schools.  It may be in the
center of farm country, but we'll end up with some of the most modern,
well funded schools in the state.  I think a lot of those small farms
are wishing they had signed up.

The zoning distance limits in our area are based on the maximum distance the blades may sling ice plus 150%...
I think ours are much farther apart than that and the new designs are
almost silent.


Roger (K8RI)

73 & DX,
Gary - AB9M

-----Original Message----- From: Roger (K8RI) on TT
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Wired Anemometer for Tower?

On 4/30/2014 6:16 PM, GARY HUBER wrote:
The fans at --- 85 foot blades on 270 foot tower.
I hope you get a percent.

They pay about 30 grand per sq mile with no towers and about 6 grand a
tear per tower lease. Access roads are extra.

zoning limits how close they can be to roads, property lines, homes,
buildings, and each other


Roger  (K8RI)


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