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Re: [TowerTalk] Coax choice for crank-up - looking for TT experience/rec

To: David Aslin G3WGN <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Coax choice for crank-up - looking for TT experience/recommendations
From: Samuel <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 15:04:24 -0400
List-post: <>
Hi David...I have a US TOWER TX-472MDP and I have 2 runs of Andrews 7/8 hard-lines,one run LMR400 and Belden HD rotor wire all attached to a 1/8"steel messenger cable tied to the top standoff and when I raise or lower tower I have to walk them out into yard when I work on tower or storms are expected...Was told I could not do it by some folks but it works...Its not for everyone but I can tell you it works for me...Samuel

On 7/10/2017 12:15 PM, David Aslin G3WGN wrote:
I'm putting together a new contest station and have already decided on/obtained 
LDF5-50A for the 150ft runs to the bases of the two crank-up towers.
Looking for real-life experiences with cable choices for going up the telescopic 
crank-up towers.  Seems to me LDF Heliax (either 4-50 or 5-50) won't have 
sufficient flexibility for the job - the towers are likely to be up/down frequently 
for neighbour and passing storm reasons. Am I too cautious on that score or is a 
low-loss coax with stranded core like the Messi & Paolini Hyperflex/Ultraflex 
series or LMR 400/600UF a better bet?
73, David G3WGN  M6O


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