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[TowerTalk] Lifting a mast off the rotator

Subject: [TowerTalk] Lifting a mast off the rotator
From: Les Kalmus <>
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 22:11:00 -0400
List-post: <">>
I came home from Visalia to find my antenna system freewheeling. The mast holds 4 yagis, one of which is very large, and is rotated by an Orion rotator. If my suspicions are correct, the problem is the little 1/4" bolt holding the shaft up into the bottom of the mast clamp has loosened and allowed the shaft to fall.
The tower is lowered and the antennas are tied off to a tree. I have 
removed the mast clamp and now I have to raise the mast about 1/2" to 
free the centering block so I can remove it to inspect that bolt.
I have a come along with an additional block with which I can lift the 
mast, but the carabiner I have won't fit into the small space between 
the centering block and the inside of the mast.
Any suggestions on a way to either hook the mast from the bottom or to 
clamp to it so I can raise it? We're talking maybe 400 lbs in the 
complete antenna system.
I have done this in the past but I think I didn't have the centering 
block at that time so it was easier to get something hooked into the 
bottom of the shaft.
Les W2LK


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