If he's calling CQ then answer him, and then answer him again, and again...
Wes N7WS
On 4/9/2024 1:11 PM, Mike Ryan wrote:
Gentlemen, Please excuse the detraction from tower / antenna related affairs
typically noted on this most valuable reflector, but a situation has emerged
at a friend's QTH and he has asked my help in dealing with it. My friend is
dealing with a neighboring ham who is enamored with operating FT8 to the
degree that he is allowing his unattended station to operate all day and
night, every day, calling CQ and letting the auto mode answer and then begin
again. Robot mode. This has been going on for some weeks or months. As my
friend is within WALKING distance from the other operator, depending on
which band the auto operated station may be on, it basically puts my friend
out of business due to the desense. Has anyone had such experience and/or
anyone with a suggestion(s) on dealing with such please contact me of course
OFF LIST. Thanks in advance. - Mike, K4CVL
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