On 1/18/23 5:15 PM, Brian Beezley wrote:
"My final choice was slotted acrylic bars for strength, water and UV
resistance, and ease of solvent gluing the wires in place."
Grant, after seeing several neat coil form designs in the style of Air
Dux, I've been wondering if a precisely shaped groove might hold the
wire reliably without glue. I imagine it snapping into place with a
satisfying sound. I suppose this would work well only for a single
wire gauge.
People do this all the time for tesla coils. There's a couple
techniques. One is to drill holes in a strip, then saw the plastic
strip down off center from the holes; that leaves a hole that has a sort
of lip on it.. The other is to cut slots that are *slightly* undersize
and rely on the plastic and wire deforming. Another is to drill holes,
then make saw cuts (or mill a slot) into the hole.
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