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Re: [TowerTalk] Modeling a Yagi in EZNec

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Modeling a Yagi in EZNec
From: Wes <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 10:45:20 -0700
List-post: <>
Since the leads are (ideally) non-radiating, I would call them a transmission line.  If you try to include them, then you run into stepped diameter issues, etc. On the whole, if this is HF and not VHF/UHF, I think you are overthinking it.

My 2 cents

On 5/29/2024 8:27 AM, Tom Hellem wrote:
Those who use NEC to model a yagi, do you include the lead lengths in the
model for the connecting wires that go from the balun to the feed terminals
of the driven element?
If so, do you model them as part of the element itself or as a transmission
My leads are 4" long. So if I model them as part of the element, I would
just describe the center portion of the element to be an 8" piece of say,
#12 wire, then the next portion of the element would contain the correction
for the element to boom clamps.
Do I have this right or am I overthinking it?
My goal is to get the model perfected to the point that when I actually
build the beam, I will not have to make adjustments in the lengths of the
driven elements to bring them to resonance.
Maybe that's an unreasonable expectation, or not?

Any input appreciated.

Tom Hellem

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