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[TowerTalk] Force 12 XR-5

Subject: [TowerTalk] Force 12 XR-5
From: Arthur Bernstein <>
Date: Sun, 6 May 2012 09:59:29 -0400
List-post: <">>
Recently acquired a used Force 12 XR-5 antenna from a friend. The antenna
is a few years old and was from the original Force 12 company. I contacted
the New Force 12 company and got a new dimension sheet which is called
V.007. This version had slightly different element dimensions on 4 elements
as compared to the antenna I have which is V.006. Mark at Texas Antennas
(new Force 12) said they haven’t had any problems with the current
dimensions. I started to change the element lengths. After completing 2
elements, I noticed that the new dimension sheet also showed that one of
the element brackets was moved ¾”closer  to its next bracket, from 10.5” to

I do recall that some early users said that there were some problems on 15
M with resonance/SWR. Could this have been the remedy?

I’d like to go with the new dimensions, but am concerned that I’d need to
move that one bracket. To do that I’d need to get the appropriate rivets
and find out the size of drill to redrill the holes.

Wondering if anyone has had experience with what I’m saying? Would
appreciate any comments or experiences.



Art., N2KA..

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