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Re: [TowerTalk] Swinging gate antenna mount

To: "[TowerTalk]" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Swinging gate antenna mount
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 19:43:14 -0400
List-post: <>
For Hy-Gain rotors (AC Motors) micro switches in series with wire 6
(left limit) and wire 5 (right limit).  However, the torque even
for the T2X probably won't damage anything.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 2020-06-05 7:33 PM, Grant Saviers wrote:
For DC motor rotators a couple of microswitches (rated IP65 or better) in the power line, bridged with diodes that conduct in the direction away from the stop point are my backstop for blowing past soft limits. Bridge the diodes with TVS diodes or MOVs to help with the motor kick.
?? for AC motor rotators.

Grant KZ1W

On 6/5/2020 14:41, Robert Harmon wrote:
Dumb question.   When using the swinging gate, how do you make sure when the rotator swings it around it won't hit the tower ?


On Jun 5, 2020, at 1:52 PM, Grant Saviers <> wrote:

I have a Rohn 65 design in CAD, never built it, went with rings instead.  Should have done the arms.  All 1/4" HRS steel plate, standard angles and channel, plus 2" NPT pipe, although other tube/pipe choices are easy.  Different leg diameters depend on the u-bolt size (minor hole location change needed). Designed for hot dip galvanizing.  I designed for two antennas for up to 20' of pipe between top bearing and rotator. Or one antenna on a short pivot "mast". Uses a standard mount rotator at the bottom (my plan was Orion 2800) and a UHMW bearing at the top.  Make the plates on a laser or waterjet cutter.  Weld it up and HDG.
Reply off list and I well send 3D pdf's to review. Enough interest 
and some weld shop might make them.  Everything should UPS except the 
pipe, buy it locally.  Adding tabs and slots to the top and bottom 
supports for self fixturing of the welding would be nice.
Grant KZ1W

On 6/5/2020 11:46, Jon Zaimes via TowerTalk wrote:
Try here:
Jon P. Zaimes, AA1K
Tower climber for hire
Cell: 302-632-2353
Hug your favorite tower every day, and always stay connected to it
On Friday, June 5, 2020 mike stokes <> wrote:
I am looking for one as well.  Please reply to the list.
On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 2:20 PM Ignacy Misztal <> wrote:
Does anybody make swinging gate mounts? I need one for 45G.
Ignacy, NO9E


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