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[VHFcontesting] VHFcontesting, Get A Grip!

To: <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] VHFcontesting, Get A Grip!
From: RR124640@Exchange.AtlantaGA.NCR.com (Rogers, Ron)
Date: Thu Jun 19 16:44:20 2003
Also agreed......we at the W9ICE group do it 'cause it's fun.....we know
we'll probably never be the "king of the hill" when setting up those towers
in the corn fields.....but, .....can you imagine the whining and moaning if
the League ever offered cash prizes and big tall trophies to the winners

>>> Ron

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Wilborn [mailto:meteorsked@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 9:27 PM
To: timm@cccomm.net; VHFcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] VHFcontesting, Get A Grip!

  You da man Tim !   I agree with you about rule changes entirely .

  73 Everyone

   Jason Wilborn


>From: "Tim Marek" <timm@cccomm.net>
>Subject: [VHFcontesting] VHFcontesting, Get A Grip!
To: <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
>Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 14:08:51 -0000
>I have stayed on the sidelines on this topic, untill now,
>as my work schedule has kept me too busy to give
>the time needed to read and digest the many Many
>MANY Emails generated to date.
>It is curious how a question on LP or HP Multi-Limited
>turned into this "lets change everything" crusade and while
>we're at it, let's rehash "how the ROVER's got screwed".
>Folks, Rule changes are the last thing we need to do.
>As far as overall participation shrinking, What we are
>seeing is a symptom of society at large, nothing more.
>People have lives outside radio that make more and more
>demands on their time every year. A economy thats all over
>the spectrum from hot to cold, Layoffs, Downsizing, etc.
>Then there are the many other distractions like the Web,
>The Web on DSL :-) , a Wife, Kids, a house that needs work,
>Family, Friends, a demanding job, etc...
>Life seems much more hectic these days forceing us to pick
>and choose how to utilize our ever shrinking "Free Time".
>That being said, There are a few things being discussed that
>just need to let fade away.... Like VHF Contest Rule Changes.
>I for one and damn tired of this group or that group pissed
>off they cant win cause someone else had a better location,
>or a more organized club effort, more bands, more power,
>more operators, and try ro get the rules changed to favor them
>rather than suck it, work on improving their station and skills,
>and realize the life isnt fair, someone else will always have a
>edge. Analyze your efforts to date for areas to improve and do
>so, and quit worrying about the other guy.
>I know the chances of my 4 band effort here in NV have a very very
>very very slim chance of ever winning the US title but I still give
>it everything I got year after year. Why? Because it's FUN! I do
>focus on improving the station, my skills, the location used,
>strategy, etc, rather than look for ways to change the contest to my
>If anyone should want distance scoring it should be someone like me where
>the next active station N, NE, E, SE, or S is typically 200 -300 miles 
>Do I want it, HELL NO! Why make something so difficult to score it drives
>everyone away? Damn silly to me.
>Do I want even "more fractured categories", HELL NO! Why cater to these 
>who wont try a new approach like moutaintop-portable instead of staying at
>in the noise infested valleys.
>I could go on for days but I have spent much to much time here this morning
>as it is.
>Offer enticements like FREE, Yes, FREE T-Shirts and Mugs to the top 100
>but Leave the rules alone!
>Gotta Run!
>73s de Tim - K7XC(/R) - DM09ol... sk
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