> John...one of the best ways to 'track' these noise sources is with an
> ordinary AM transistor portable, with a built-in ferrite bar antenna.
By far, the best way to localize a source such as this is with a VHF receiver
in AM mode. These signals will propagate a long distance, sometimes measured
in miles, on
HF and the broadcast band and will often give false DF readings since they're
from other conductors. I've found several offending doorbell transformers in my
neighborhood this way. I would drive around listening on 20 or 40 meters until
identified an area (roughly within one square block) where it was averaging
louder than
the rest of the area. Then with my FT-817 tuned to the aviation band or two
meters (AM
mode) the receiver was quiet until I got within a hundred feet or so of the
house. I pin-pointed it every time this way.
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