Here's My Plans for the September 2002 VHF QSO Party
FM15vx 1800-1930Z
FM25ev 2030-2200
FM26bi 2300-0030
FM16wx 0200-0330
FM17xa 0350-0520
FM27ac 0540-0710
FM28be 0930-1100
FM18xx 1230-1330
FM29aa 1330-1430
FM19xa 1430-1530
FM19ha 1800-1830
FM18hx 1845-1900
FM09ub 2030-2130
FM08vu 2230-2330 (180-360Az)
FM08vs 0010-0110 (090-270Az)
FM08us 0130-0400 (270-090Az)
Like the universe, all times, locations, energy levels, and mass properties
subject to change without notice.
We'll be monitoring 50.187& 144.247 in between the pileups.
Also we'll be CQ-ing on 222.117, 432.117 when possible.
We hope to be operational between sites as by the
2-65 air-conditioning system noise level.
Listen for the weak ones...
Bill W3IY/R