Hi Everyone,
I think a lot of good points and suggestions have been brought up concerning
VHF contesting. I am sure we have the expertise in this group to figure out a
way to promote contesting and enhance activity. Unfortunately, it does not
appear to me that the ARRL will take our concerns serious based on recent
I suggest that a volunteer committee be formed to study the situation over
the next several months and offer a proposal to the VHF community. Assuming
the league does not listen, there is absolutely nothing wrong with moving
forward as a separate group or organization. Since we have little or no
magazine coverage to promote contesting, I think it is a good time to unite
and take control of our contest future.
People contest for various reasons, but all of them has one thing in common
and that is to achieve a goal. Each of us need to set our own goals and not
be afraid to fail. If two people or more have the same goal, then it is
called competition.
Ron, W4WA
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