Saturday is the 1st MAD session of the new year.
Get on and try out your apparatus before the contest
sneaks up on you. Activity time is Sat 0800-1200,
and Monday nite 1900-2300 hrs, local.
Light up those fire-bottles, push those holes and
electrons through your semiconductors...blow some
RF through your coaxes...heat up your antennas...
you get the idea...
Also...in case you haven't been paying attention, the
January VHF SS is Jan 18,19...just a few short weeks
away. Fire up your stuff and GET IT UP for the
contest. This contest is notorious for it's participation
from guys all over the place, who always try to get on
with their best effort to support their friends and fellow
club members. Keep the spirit alive. Even if your station
is crippled, or if you have other lame excuses, please try
to get a few signals on and illuminate your local area
enthusiasts. Operating in the harsh condx of winter can
be lots of fun, when we all pull together.
We hope to be active from somewhere...plans still
uncertain at this point. We shall try to MAKE SOME
NOISE from some places hither and yon as a crazy
So...wishing you more power, lower kTB, more QSOs,
and more fun on the microwaves for 2003....
Happy 2003!!
Bill W3IY/R
p.s. Listen for the weak ones!!
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